My word for 2012

This desire to have a word for the year just won’t go away. It has been cropping up everywhere. There are several blogs that discuss why it is a good thing. Then, Charu left a comment here with her word (‘Stretch’). A lot of my favourite bloggers have their words in place. ‘Light’ shows up a lot. As does ‘Trust’. I loved Fiona’s ‘Enough’. And Hope’s ‘Positive’. There was also Contentment, and Innovate (from Kelly the possibilitarian – love that word!)

It’s at the back of my mind always, this question of where I’m headed and what I want. I know what I don’t want: a life where one day fades into the next, predictably, with assuring monotony. I want fun, and laughter, and wild adventures with my family.

There it was. It hit me smack in the middle of a cool evening that I was spending walking behind M in long loops around the verandah, pretending to be Thomas the Tank Engine.


Why didn’t I see it before?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my word for 2012: Adventures.

I want adventures in my writing, where I seek and discover new opportunities for work and excellence. I want adventures in my everyday life where we shake up the way we live a little. Adventures in our meals, our clothes, in the way we organise and store things. I want adventures on the road. I want travel and holidays (I’ll settle for little day trips for now). I want adventures and excitement for Little M. I want adventures in reading.

‘Adventures’ beautifully follows my word for 2011. There is no risk in being safe. Safe is boring. Safe is predictable. I want to wear purple NOW. And not have too much sobriety in my youth.

And I want, oh how I want to laugh. Really. Really. Laugh.

The good thing about choosing ‘adventures’? You never know where it might lead you. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t make it to your destination. The fun is in the journey.

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.

~T.S. Eliot

(Found via my new favourite bookmarked blog Bulls Eye, Baby)

If you’re still looking for a word, I recommend the list for 2011 on Ali’s blog. Lots of choices there. While you’re reading the list, listen to the list being read. Awesome.

Here’s to adventures in 2012. Yours and mine. Happy New Year.

3 comments on “My word for 2012

  1. Love it. Adventure is great. I also adore those TS Eliot lines.

  2. I never thought of a selecting a word to represent goals and ambitions for the year ahead. I’ll really have to think on what my word for 2012 should be. Commitment? Growth? Spontaneity? I just don’t know. They all sound great. 🙂

    p.s. frangipani are one of my fav flowers.

  3. Hi Mel!

    Let us know what word you choose, if you do. I find it incredibly useful as do many other people. I love frangipani too! We have a lovely old tree right in front of our house and the carpet of blossoms on the street every morning make my heart rush with joy. I wear them in my hair when I find a nice one.

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